WarMurals.com is dedicated to the historical and educational documentation, preservation, and discussion of the deployment art and stories of those who have served in the ongoing conflicts of Iraq and Afghanistan. The painted T-Walls and barriers of the Middle East are ubiquitous downrange but are frequently overlooked and quickly ignorned once the original artist return home.
There are thousands of these murals scattered across the world that are left in a state of decay to fade away in the harsh climates they are left in. Many are already gone forever and many more are likely only survive in photographs as a quick snapshot of a unit's identity, and a monument to a life changing experience for those that served.
Please join in collecting, cataloging and sharing the deployment art and the memories they represent.
Contact us at warmurals@gmail.com to obtain permission to use any of the content on this site or for general press inquiries. Use without expressed permission is strictly prohibited. Don't be horrible and do not share any content which is classified, violates OPSEC or contains PII.
- WarMurals.com
Note: The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.
If you have pictures of Twalls to share or additional information such as the Twall artist to accredit, news articles about the deployment of the unit featured in the murals, or a short description of the meaning behind the mural, please email the project at warmurals@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page.
To learn more about the project, check out the following articles featuring War Murals:
Task & Purpose in December 2019:
Army Guardsman is documenting the murals troops left behind during the Global War on Terror
VFW Magazine JUN/JUL 2020:
T-Wall Art- Troops Left Their Marks in the War Zones